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Welcome to the 2025 photo and video contest!


Every year we are overwhelmed by your submissions, which reach us from all corners of the world. In addition to spectacular entries, we receive unbelievably creative pictures and videos with attention to detail. That's why the photo and video contest goes into the next round this year. We are happy to have you with us!

Take part now!
Grab your cameras and get started! The best photo and the best video showing one or more PistenBully carrying out preparation work will win! The closing date for entries is 31st March 2025.

How do I take part?
Participation is easier than ever! The photos and videos can be submitted via WeTransfer, Dropbox or by e-mail to

Terms of participation
The participant agrees that by submitting a video he/she is bound by the terms of participation in the PistenBully photo and video contest . All natural persons over 18 years of age are entitled to participate. The terms of participation and further information can be found below. Please read carefully.

Announcement of the winner
The winners will be announced in Mai 2025. The winning photos and videos will be published on the website and on the company's own social media channels.

Challenge cup of PistenBully photo and video contest
The prize

The winners receive the honorable PistenBully challenge cup and a voucher for the PistenBully online store.

Past competitions
Winner photos 2024
1. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2024, Chris Yates

1st place: Chris Yates

2nd place: Gabriel Perren

3rd place: Clemens Öttl, Pistenteam Serfaus

4th place: Mathieu Barmasse

5th place: Thomas Kleinheinz, Silvrettaseilbahn AG

Winner Videos 2024
1st place: Clemens Öttl - Pistenteam Serfaus
2nd place: Jonas Wieser - Polar Team Fiss
3rd place: Anya Censi
4th place: Gregory Raimbault
5. Platz: Arthur Caré
Winner Photos 2023
1. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2023, Werner Koblinger

1st place: Werner Koblinger

2. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2023 Florian Gstrein

2nd place: Florian Gstrein

3. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2023 Sean Creasman

3rd place: Sean Creasman 

4. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2023, Chris Yates

4th place: Chris Yates

5. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2023, Alain Berthoud

5th place: Alain Berthoud

Winner Videos 2023
1st place: Pistenteam Serfaus produced by Clemens Öttl
2nd place: Saastal Bergbahnen AG
3rd place: Gregory Raimbault
4th place: Dardaine Thibaud
5th place: Arthur Caré
Winner photos 2022
1. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2022, von Dominik Waldispühl

1st place: Dominik Waldispühl

2. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2022, von Benedikt Retschy

2nd place: Benedikt Retschy

3. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2022, von Lukas Grabowsky

3rd place: Lukas Grabowsky

4. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2022, von Pau Serres

4th place: Pau Serres

5. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2022, von Thomas Herger

5th place: Thomas Herger

6. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2022, von Markus Ocker

6th place: Markus Ocker

7. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2022, von Francisco Correia

7th place: Francisco Correia

8. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2022, von Markus Deutinger

8th place: Markus Deutinger

9. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2022, von Jérémy Voirin

9th place: Jérémy Voirin

10. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2022, von Josef Horath

10th place: Josef Horath

Winner videos 2022
1st place: Polar Team Fiss
2nd place: Christoph Baer
3rd place: Clemens Öttl & Pistenteam Serfaus
4th place: Silvrettaseilbahn AG
5th place: Remo Müggler & & Pistenteam Savognin
Winner photos 2021
1st place photo contest 2021, by Remo Müggler

1st place: Remo Müggler

2nd place photo contest 2021, by Josef Fankhauser

2nd place: Josef Fankhauser

4. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2021, von Andreas Neurauter

4. Platz: Andreas Neurauter

2nd place photo contest 2021, by Werner Koblinger

2nd place: Werner Koblinger 

5. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2021, von Jonas Wiedmer

5. Platz: Jonas Wiedmer

3rd place photo contest 2021, by Johannes Viktorsson

3rd place: Johannes Viktorsson

6. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2021, von Armin Wehrli

6. Platz: Armin Wehrli

3rd place photo competition 2021, by Julia Moling

3rd place: Julia Moling

7. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2021, von Nick Zachara

7. Platz: Nick Zachara

4th place photo competition 2021, by Andreas Neurauter

4th place: Andreas Neurauter

8. Platz Fotowettbewerb 2021, von PistenBully Team Gotschna

8. Platz: PistenBully Team Gotschna

5th place photo competition 2021, by Jonas Wiedmer

5th place: Jonas Wiedmer

6th place photo competition 2021, by Armin Wehrli

6th place: Armin Wehrli

7th place photo competition 2021, by Nick Zachara

7th place: Nick Zachara

8th place photo competition 2021, by PistenBully Team Gotschna

8th place: PistenBully Team Gotschna

Winner videos 2021
1. Platz: Thibaud Dardaine
1st place: Thibaud Dardaine
2. Platz: Sebastién Rey
2nd place: Sebastién Rey
3. Platz: Remo Müggler
3rd place: Remo Müggler
3. Platz: Pistenteam Saas-Fee
3rd place: Pistenteam Saas-Fee
4. Platz: David Pöllhuber
4th place: David Pöllhuber
winner photos 2020
1st place photo contest 2020, Lešek Podhorský

1st place: Lešek Podhorský

2nd place photo contest 2020, Timo Becker

2nd place: Timo Becker

3rd place photo contest 2020, Fabian Dalpiaz

3rd place: Fabian Dalpiaz

3rd place photo contest 2020, Janja Kovac

3rd place: Janja Kovac

Photo contest 2020, Dominik Schmid

Dominik Schmid

Photo contest, Gherghelah Mihail Adolf

Gherghelah Mihail Adolf

Photo contest, Hannes Schneider

Hannes Schneider

Photo contest, Harald Feck

Harald Feck

Photo contest 2020, Sandro Capaul

Sandro Capaul

Photo contest 2020, Lešek Podhorský

Lešek Podhorský

Photo contest 2020, Josef Frankhauser

Josef Frankhauser

winner videos 2020
1st place: Maxime Alliod
2nd place: Thibaud Dardaine 
2nd place: Clemens Öttl
3rd place: Daniel Hager
3rd place: Fabian Dalpiaz